Thursday, October 31, 2013

Falling Behind

Sorry to call you out on this, but for: Taina, Nikki, Thiery, Khamphasong, Grace, Imani, Diamond, Jahni, and Vanessa:
Module 1, lesson 01.08 (the monologue assessment) is so past due. If you haven't done this assignment yet, please finish it today and submit whatever you have (even if it's nothing!) You cannot proceed in the course (allowing you to fail the next unit) until you have completed it. Don't wait. Use the lab this morning to finish this assignment!
For Everybody:

Prometheus Bound should be completed and the analysis sheet handed in.
The Bacchae should be completed.
2.03: The Event (a short essay on the Greek plays we've read) is past due for all students at this time.
2.04: you own play scene should be started and/or completed this week.
2.05: should be completed by the end of class today.

Please complete your work. I'm giving you the rest of today's class to complete this work. If you don't finish--try doing some homework to get caught up in this course.

HOMEWORK: Complete lessons: 02.00, 02.01, 02.02, 02.03, and 02.04.

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