Today we will conclude the film Titus (1999).
You may take an extension on reading/analyzing Hedda Gabler (due next class--Wednesday, Jan. 15, although if you are done with it, turn it in early). But before we move on, we have to watch and take notes on this Crash Course video: Symbolism, Realism, and a Nordic Grudge Match #33.
Turn in your graphic organizer notes on Ibsen & Strindberg today for participation credit.
With time remaining in class, please continue to write your final play project. Some details:
--Your play can be of any genre. Consider the play styles we have read for this class.
--Your play must be between 20-30 pages in length. It can be more, but this is unlikely. You should format your play in the standard, professional format for play scripts. See previous posts, Google classroom resources, and handouts for assistance if you need it. [This longer length gives you the opportunity to develop and work on your plotting!]
--Please include a title page and a cast list, including the TIME and PLACE information to describe your set. Details about what happens when the lights come up on the play are indicated by AT RISE: ...
--Plot includes the following elements (which should be seen clearly in your play structure/project): status quo, inciting incident, rising action, complications/conflicts, crisis or turning point (dark moment), enlightenment (anagnorisis), climax, falling action/resolution, denouement.
--Your play should have a premise.
--Your play should have a theme (idea).
--To develop characters it's important to include a monologue or two (or more) for your characters.
--Your play should show you understand how to create a stage-able play. Use theatrical conventions creatively to enhance the spectacle and meaning of your playscript. Your play, ultimately, should be producible on a black box stage (the Black Box theater, for example).
--Happy writing!
HOMEWORK: Complete Hedda Gabler (with play analysis). Work on your play projects. These are due January 30. No late scripts will be accepted due to the fact the marking period ends Jan. 31.
You may take an extension on reading/analyzing Hedda Gabler (due next class--Wednesday, Jan. 15, although if you are done with it, turn it in early). But before we move on, we have to watch and take notes on this Crash Course video: Symbolism, Realism, and a Nordic Grudge Match #33.
Turn in your graphic organizer notes on Ibsen & Strindberg today for participation credit.
With time remaining in class, please continue to write your final play project. Some details:
--Your play can be of any genre. Consider the play styles we have read for this class.
--Your play must be between 20-30 pages in length. It can be more, but this is unlikely. You should format your play in the standard, professional format for play scripts. See previous posts, Google classroom resources, and handouts for assistance if you need it. [This longer length gives you the opportunity to develop and work on your plotting!]
--Please include a title page and a cast list, including the TIME and PLACE information to describe your set. Details about what happens when the lights come up on the play are indicated by AT RISE: ...
--Plot includes the following elements (which should be seen clearly in your play structure/project): status quo, inciting incident, rising action, complications/conflicts, crisis or turning point (dark moment), enlightenment (anagnorisis), climax, falling action/resolution, denouement.
--Your play should have a premise.
--Your play should have a theme (idea).
--To develop characters it's important to include a monologue or two (or more) for your characters.
--Your play should show you understand how to create a stage-able play. Use theatrical conventions creatively to enhance the spectacle and meaning of your playscript. Your play, ultimately, should be producible on a black box stage (the Black Box theater, for example).
--Happy writing!
HOMEWORK: Complete Hedda Gabler (with play analysis). Work on your play projects. These are due January 30. No late scripts will be accepted due to the fact the marking period ends Jan. 31.
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