Monday, September 5, 2016

Welcome, Class of 2018!

Welcome back, class of 2018! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer.

Here we are again. This year is partly devoted to writing scripts (both theatrical and for the screen). What you learn here can help you improve your fiction "dialogue" skills, examine the use of conflict in your plots, play and experiment with language and poetry, as well as make you a better psychologist (dealing with people in crisis), all the while honing your writer's craft and developing your writer's voice.

Today, after reviewing the course criteria, we will get started with a required writing activity, read a bit, and start on a couple assignments to begin this course. At the end of class today, we'll get our locker assignments.


Check this blog each class period for agendas, deadlines, educational information, advice, and a whole lot of links to enhance your education. All you have to do is read and click. You are responsible for reading and interacting with the material I post on the blog. It is a useful resource for the course (since we don't have a specific textbook)--so please use it.

If you're absent or missed something in class, please check the blog to get caught up. As indicated above, each new class period usually includes a new post. If you have a question about an assignment and are too embarrassed to speak to me in public (or you have a question that you think you will forget to ask), feel free to use the comment section. It is, however, your responsibility to talk to me about your needs. I don't read minds (and am too busy to bother if I could...) So: let me know if there's something you need help with or if you have questions. I already know this stuff. This is your education. Make it worthwhile.

On our link page you will also find some useful tools for this course. During the course I will direct your attention to these tools for your use in this class and for use in Contemporary Writers.

Today, after reading about the course and answering any questions, let's begin playwriting with a baseline writing exercise. You will need a notebook, the essay paper/booklet provided, and a writing utensil.
  • The task is simple. Write a complete scene (with a definite beginning, middle, and end) in script format. Scenes are not full plays. You don't need to wrap up every detail and plot hole. But your scene should begin, sustain a bit, and end.
  • Limit your cast of characters to no more than four (4). Two or three (2-3) works best. You need more than one. Setting, writing style, and theme is completely up to you. 
  • Be creative. Focus on the task of writing. Let your words flow from you without a lot of editing or over thinking this exercise. Trust your instincts as an artist and writer! 
  •  If you need a prompt, choose one of the following starters: 
    •  A policeman, a newlywed, a certified letter 
    •  A recently new widow, her half-sister, and a secret 
    •  One character walks in to a familiar place but meets someone unexpected
  • You will have about 30 minutes to write.
If you happen to finish early and the rest of the class is still writing, please begin reading Talking With by Jane Martin. It's a good idea to start with the last monologue first, as you will likely read the first monologue and subsequent pages in order with your group. After we write our baseline, we'll receive our locker assignments, then return and get started reading Talking With in small groups.
HOMEWORK: #1 - Complete Talking With by Jane Martin. As you read the monologues, pay close attention to how language and conflict within the stories helps to develop character. Bring the play script with you to our next class (Friday). 

#2: In addition to the above, please bring a picture of a person to next class. It is better if this is a printed photo--you can find one easily on line, or from your own family photographs, or from a newspaper or magazine you have at home. We will be using this photograph/picture for a writing activity next class.

#3: Please share the course criteria sheet and field trip forms with your parents/guardians.  Get them signed and return them to me. Have a nice day!

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